Division of two numbers – Crocodile Board Game

It is a division game with free interactive activities for elementary school children. With some division of two numbers facts to practice, the crocodile game starts off with the rolling of a dice. You will brush the teeth of a crocodile with the correct answer. On the centre of the screen, you will get a ball with a number on it. The game on this page helps children of primary school learn and test division of two numbers through solving related math problems. It is beneficial for students who need additional practice to enhance their skills on the topic. The game also helps teachers who want a fun educational activity for their learners. Parents may gift this game to their kids on a birthday. The activities in this crocodile division game are based on interactivity and fun. You don't need to type in answers, just click on the right option. You will come across crocodiles during the game and the correct answer may save you from its teeth. Math activity for students in kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5.