Subtraction of two digit numbers memory game online

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Subtraction of one place numbers memory game free

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Subtract multiples of ten memory game online

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Adding the number one to numbers – online memory game

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Adding three numbers online game – Memory activity

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Addition of one digit numbers memory fun game online

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Division with remainders memory game for the classroom

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Dividing multiples of ten online game – memory game

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Find Fraction Of Numbers Memory Game Online

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Memory game online on integers – Solve each problem

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Mixed Operations online memory math game free

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Multiplication memory game online free & interactive

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Percentages memory game online – Math with fun

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Roman numerals interactive memory game free online

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Adding multiples of 10 memory game online for children

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Addition of two digit numbers memory game – interactive

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

Adding two numbers of the same value – memory game

February 11, 2020/by math4childrenplus

This page features a collection of math memory games for 1st to 5th grades. In this game, students learn different math skills while improving their memory. The idea is to solve problems and find the match by opening several anonymous wooden covers. The game improves memory as players have to retain the position of different numbers and match them. The challenge here is to complete the game in the fastest time possible. However, that is not always easy because remember, you have to solve math problems during the course of the game. Mastering this game improves your memory and parents love that about the game. Parents can use this game at home to review math topics with their kids. Teacher can use them in class to individually test kids or test groups of kids; in the latter case, the fastest group to find the matching pairs wins the game. Easy as it sounds, many players still struggle, hence making it an exciting game. 

Each game features eight covered problems or answers. Each cover matches a pair; so when you find a problem, you have to find the correct matching pair. This game is always online and can be accessed both on PC and on Tablet.

One this page some topics covered are as follows:

Subtraction of two digit numbers: Here students get to solve problems that have two place numbers e.g. 23 – 10 =? In some cases students will solve problems that entail carrying or regrouping. 

Subtraction of multiples of ten: Multiples of ten are numbers that are divisible by ten. In this game students subtract two numbers that are multiples of ten. E.g. 20 – 10 =?

Addition of three numbers: In this exercise, students add three numbers. For example 2 + 5 + 6 =?

Mixed operations: Mixed operations problems contain more than one operation in a problem. In solving such problems, students have to apply skills of BODMAS, else the answer will always be surprisingly incorrect. 

Percentages: Here, students are required to find the percentage value of several numbers. This is an expression of a fraction value or ratio. 

To play, simple click on the icon for the skills you want to practice and begin practicing. For more practice, head over to the worksheets section.